Happy New Year 2013

Thought of The Year’s Eve:

2012, was extremely hard for me! I had a massive breaking hit last March, that was enough to make me lose my dream, my hard work and my spirit! I managed, with the help of many, who stood by and trusted me to by pass this hit! So, thinking a lot about my new year’s resolution, I decided to use my exact last year and the year before resolution as it seems it’s working for me……cause simply:

what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger 😉

My repeated resolution:
I know I had a great 2012: I made more friends ( not only on Facebook), no enemies, my family and friends are all in good health, visited new destinations and still kicking, living and smiling :)….Happy New 2013 to all of you, wish it will be as great to me and much better for all of you 😉

Now go drink and enjoy …….will be with you in 2013

Good Night ans…..Good Luck!