Respect my friend ;)

(With love, I share this…..received from a dear friend of mine 😉

Thought of The Night … By Anonymous

Since Hani started writing his morning articles and Thought of The Night he triggered something inside of us.

Whether we agree with his points of view or disagree, we have to admit that he made us explore our memories, thoughts, work experience, life experience, books that we read or currently reading, searching and researching the net and the Holy Books, to find arguments to support his points of view or to oppose them, or simply to piss him off. He gladly absorbed everything even the insults.

On the other hand, we met very interesting people on Hani’s wall and became friends with many of them, and sometimes (if not all the time) after several comments on the article or the thought, Hani’s wall becomes a chat room for his friends discussing different issues or just having a laugh.

On my behalf, I would like to thank you Hani for igniting me intellectually and emotionally and for the big warm heart you carry around.

Good Night and…..Good Luck!


Thought of The Night:

Why do we expect life to be easy? We are just another spicy living in this planet, just like flowers and how they go into seasons of harsh weather yet, blossom back! like birds building nests to be destroyed by snow and wind yet, rebuild again….
We are just another spicy bound by the rules of universe; and those work in mysterious ways, we can’t as a powerless spicy, question or object!!
Always believe….flowers, always blossom back! what a better hint, can our Mysterious Universe give us to BELIEVE!!

Good Night and….Good Luck!


Thought of The Night:

Inshallah (means – God’s willing -). A word used by all Arabs as a way to tell you: we will do so and so with God’s willing!
However when they don’t (that’s 99% of the times), it’s always there as an answer…..God didn’t will
I have to say to those who told me Inshallah those 2-3 days and then God didn’t will them to do what they should have done………Allah yes’khat’kom (meaning…..May God Turn you into a Monkey)

Saying that, I know now Obama is not a Muslim, as he would have said …..inshallah, we can!!!!

Good Night (Inshallah) and……Good Luck(inshallah)

Chris Hadfield

Thought of The Night:

Chris Hadfield……you just made Neil Armstrong and all other previous Astronauts, eat their hearts out!!
( for those who don’t know, Chris is A Canadian Astronauts, the first to make a video clip in Space and broadcast it via YouTube from here :))

Good Night and…… Good Luck!


Thought of The Night:

“As per request”: My presentation yesterday was about Marketing Jordan socially, and I invented some new terms I thought you should all, as Jordanians work by….

– We have to become A PSJ…….Patriotically Social Jordanians 😉
– Like, Share and Tweet your country…
– Share your heart out…..Jordanially ;)))
– Go E-Commerce….or Go Home 😉

Jordan doesn’t have money as the big destinations to spend on marketing, but we have all the free social media in our hands, so stop playing FarmVille and start promoting Jordan with your hearts…..

Good Night and….Good Luck!